July 23, 2019-The cruelty’s the point: Trump to take food stamps from working families, elderly, disabled people
The Trump administration failed in its efforts to kick millions of people off of food stamps in last year’s Farm Bill, so it’s taking another stab at it now with a proposed rule to force—and this is the administration’s figure—3 million people off the program.
The rule would restrict Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits for households who have savings or other assets. Have a car? It’ll be harder to get food. A senior or disabled person trying to save for an inevitable emergency? Sorry. Saving for your kids’ school supplies? There go your food stamps. The current rules for SNAP allow states to adjust the income eligibility limits to adjust for housing and childcare costs that take a large share of income, allowing people to have safe homes and even allowing parents to work outside the home and still be able to feed themselves and their families. Because even more people shouldn’t be forced into having to choose between having a roof or having food. Read more